Version has been released
January 4, 2016

Netzke has been released today. It supports Ruby starting v1.9.3, Rails 4.2, and Ext JS 5.1 (work on supporting Ext JS 6 should be starting soon). Please, consult the detailed changelogs if you plan to upgrade - they will be of good help. If that won’t be enough, feel free to post your issues on Stackoverflow (tag wath “netzke”) or Github.

The website has been updated with a basic introductory screencast, and the official demo now runs on, too. The demo has been updated with new examples, whose source code must be rather self-explanatory.

The all new client-side documentation should help you with whatever methods Netzke components are exposing in the browser. It’s not very complete yet, but it’s a good start.

I plan to write a few blog posts on the most important changes in 1.0, so, stay tuned. In general, I feel happy about how the API came out in 1.0, with a few nice little improvements here and there. The quality of the source code has been increased, too (netzke-core scores the shiny 4.0 on Code Climate), which will hopefullly encourage contributions.

Good luck - and Happy New Year!

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Netzke Blog

Netzke is a framework that provides (and helps building) client-server UI components powered by Sencha Ext JS on the frontend and Ruby on Rails on the server

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